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System-level models for electrokinetic microfluidic separations and mixing


In early stages of this project, we focused on developing efficient and accurate physical models for electrokinetically based separation microchannels and using them to perform system-level simulations and synthesis for generation of optimal designs that demonstrates 100 ~ 100,000x speedup over full numerical computations and trial-and-error experiments. These models can be used to critically enable CAD tools using a bottom-up iterative design methodology for multi-functional and integrated lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems.

The graphic below shows a schematic of a serpentine-shaped electrophoretic separation microchannel. An analyte band migrating under electrophoresis will experience dispersion (or analyte band broadening) due to diffusion and non-uniformities in migration velocity, which can be caused by such factors as channel curvature and Joule heating. We have developed an efficient and accurate system-level model for describing dispersion in such complex-shaped microchannels. The model consists of component-level physical models (e.g., for describing curvature and Joule heating-induced dispersion) for individual channel elements of simple shapes (e.g., straight channels and semi-circular turns), which are assembled in such a way that neighboring elements are linked at their interface by a minimal set of physical parameters (e.g., the electric potential, separation time, analyte band variance, and coefficients representing the shape of a skewed analyte band). We have validated the system-level model with both experiments and full numerical simulations, with worst-case discrepancies ranging from < 1% to 9.5% depending on the dominance of convection in the dispersion process. A speedup of up to 15,000 has been observed for our model over full numerical simulations.

Figure 1

A serpentine-shaped electrophoresis micro-channel and its representation as a system. The entire channel is decomposed into a system of microfluidic elements with simple geometries. Analytical models for such elements are developed and then linked through proper parameters at the element interfaces to form a system-level lumped-parameter model.

Figure 2

Analyte band variance computed from system-level and full numerical simulations for a six turn serpentine channel. For each turn, the results from the system-level analytical simulation agree with those from numerical simulation within 10%.

Additionally, we have developed a model for the efficient and accurate simulations of laminar diffusion-based complex-shaped electrokinetic passive micromixers, which are represented as a system of mixing elements of relatively simple geometry. Parameterized and analytical models for the mixing elements were derived, which hold for general sample concentration profiles and arbitrary flow ratios at the inlets of the mixing element. A lumped-parameter and system-level model was then constructed for a complex micromixer, in which the constituent mixing elements are represented by element models, in such a way that an appropriate set of parameters are continuous at the interface between two successive elements. The system-level model, which simultaneously computes electric circuitry and sample concentration distributions in the entire micromixer, agrees with numerical and experimental results, and offers orders-of-magnitude improvements in computational efficiency over full numerical simulations.

Figure 3

(a) A complex electrokinetic serial mixing network and (b) its schematic representation for systematic-level model. The mixing channel network is decomposed into a system of standard microfluidic elements: straight channels, combiners and splitters. Models for each type of microfluidic element are developed, and subsequently linked to form a system-level model.


Junyi Shang, Ph.D Student

Dr. Yao Zhou, former Ph.D Student

Dr. Yi Wang, former Ph.D Student

Representative Journal Publications:

1. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Composable Behavioral Models and Schematic-Based Simulation of Electrokinetic Lab-on-a-Chip Systems," IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 25: 258-273, 2006.

2. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "A Model for Laminar Diffusion-Based Complex Electrokinetic Passive Micromixers," Lab on a Chip, 5: 877-887, 2005.

3. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "System-Oriented Dispersion Models of General-Shaped Electrophoresis Microchannels," Lab on a Chip, 4: 453-463, 2004.

4. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "A Model for Joule Heating-Induced Dispersion in Microchip Electrophoresis," Lab on a Chip, 4: 625-631, 2004.

Representative Conference Publications:

1. Y. Wang, R. Magargle, Q. Lin, J.F. Hoburg and T. Mukherjee, "System-Oriented Modeling and Simulation of Biofluidic Lab-on-a-Chip," Int. Conf. on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers '05), pp. 1280-1283, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

2. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "System Simulations of Complex Electrokinetic Passive Micromixers," Int. Conf. Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM '05), pp. 579-582, Anaheim, CA, 2005.

3. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Applications of Behavioral Modeling and Simulation on Lab-on-a-Chip: Micro-Mixer and Separation System," IEEE Int. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conf., San Jose, CA, 2004.

4. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Analytical Models for Complex Electrokinetic Passive Micromixers," Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems (MicroTAS '04), pp. 611-613, Malmo, Sweden, 2004.

5. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Composable System Simulation of Dispersion in Complex Electrophoretic Separation Microchips," Int. Conf. Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM '04), pp. 59-62, Boston, MA, 2004.

6. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Models for Joule Heating Dispersion in Complex Electrophoretic Separation Microchannels," ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, Microelectromechanical Systems, PAPER # IMECE2004-60970, Anaheim, CA, 2004.

7. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Analytical Dispersion Models for Efficient Simulation of Complex Microchip Electrophoresis Systems," Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems (MicroTAS '03), pp. 135-138, Lake Tahoe, CA, 2003.

8. Y. Wang, Q. Lin and T. Mukherjee, "Universal Joule Heating Model in Electrophoretic Separation Microchips," Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems (MicroTAS '02), 82-84, Nara, Japan, 2002.